Romania’s Boycott Austria movement ⋆

Sursa: Pixabay

Both Romanian political figures and the public reacted sharply to Austria’s decision not to admit Bucharest to the Schengen Zone.

„The Austrian ambassador to Romania was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where she was informed of Romania’s position and expressed the protest of the Foreign Ministry regarding Austria’s unjustified and hostile position, which will inevitably affect bilateral relations.” The document notes that „this result is absolutely unfair and devoid of any objective motivation. The Austrian side’s references to the problem of the growing migration flow…are unacceptable, incorrect and unfair, given that all the data officially presented from the EU Border Control Agency Frontex, clearly show that the migration route from the Western Balkans does not pass through Romania, the country does not face migratory pressure and is not a source of secondary migration”, emphasizes the Romanian MFA, quoted in local and foreign media.

President Klaus Iohannis described the vote as deeply unfair and that it risked affecting European unity.

„Romania deserved to receive a positive vote. This is confirmed by the solid data, by the results of the last evaluation missions of the Member States and the European institutions. Only one Member State decided to ignore these realities and block the European unanimity, inexplicable and difficult to understand for the entire European Union. Austria’s undeserved and unjustified attitude at today’s meeting risks affecting the European unity and cohesion that we so badly need, especially in the current geopolitical context”, the president said.

Romanian Minister of Tourism Daniel Cadariu encouraged Romanians to boycott Austrian ski resorts.

„It is clear that the main goal of Romanian tourists in Austria is the ski slopes, but we all know that not only in Austria there are ideal conditions for skiing.

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